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Exercises to Rehabilitate Low Back Pain

Dealing with aggravating low-level back pain when picking stuff up, or doing routine stuff around the house? Maybe you had a sudden instance of intense back pain doing something and now that pain just won't leave. Exercise is one of the most underutilized tools we have to rehabilitate low back pain in a Chiropractic and Sports Medicine clinic. One of the first exercises I like to give to patients and athletes alike in the clinic is the bird dog, AKA quadruped. Bird dogs and other similar low-effort exercises help to decrease pain, making you move well, and feel better.

Chiropractic bird dog for low back pain
A very imperfect bird dog performed by me

Many of us are horrible about doing our exercises, and I'll lump myself into that category. My physical therapist gives me exercises and just like everyone else I struggle to do them day in and day out. Finding an exercise that immediately improves pain, and is challenging and rewarding to do is a big part of long-term adherence to the exercise, so that you feel better, instead of just following a list of exercises for no reason. Bird dog is just one of dozens of exercises at our disposal. After the first week or two of treatment, many of these exercises can be added in to strengthen aggravated muscles, increase stability to a weak link in our kinetic chain, and feel better!

Core Activation: The bird dog primarily engages the core muscles to include the lower back and side which is often neglected when training “abs”. These muscles act as a natural weight-lifting belt, providing support and stability to the spine. By strengthening these muscles, the bird dog helps to improve posture and reduce strain on the lower back. Low-weight contraction of aggravated lower back muscles can also help to centralize and decrease pain.

Spinal neutral: Performing the bird dog requires maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement. This focus on spinal alignment helps to reduce excessive flexion or extension of the lumbar spine, which can contribute to low back pain. By promoting proper alignment, the bird dog encourages healthier movement patterns and reduces the risk of injury.

Muscle Balance: Low back pain often results from muscle imbalances, where certain muscles are overactive and others are underactive. The bird dog exercise helps to address these imbalances by simultaneously engaging the muscles of the back, abdomen, and hips. This balanced activation improves muscle coordination and reduces the likelihood of compensatory movements that can exacerbate pain.

Functional Movement: In addition to targeting specific muscle groups, the bird dog exercise mimics the natural movement patterns involved in activities of daily living. By training the body to stabilize the spine while simultaneously moving the arms and legs, the bird dog enhances functional strength and mobility. This translates to better overall performance in activities like walking, lifting, and bending, with reduced risk of low back injury.

A strong back, is a pain-free back, one that is less likely to become injured. A chiropractor's job doesn't end after the manipulation, that's when treatment truly starts. Once we are making headway with your pain levels it's time to address your function. Do yourself a favor, and identify these weak points in your system, as I have myself, and let's strengthen them so that we can move well, and feel better.

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